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Well, here we are once again with a “sorry for the lack of updates and new videos but we’re not really dead we promise!” update. As per usual, college classes have been keeping all of us really really busy, and the Wesley in Space project, for which the episodes have been getting longer and more special effects-heavy, has been eating up all possible spare time that might be spent working on Harry Potter and the Final Video, or even Earthbound Episode 6. (However, there’s some new, interesting stuff for you after the jump!) |
A few people have been contacting me asking when Episode 6 is going to come out. I can assure you guys, we have not cancelled the project, and we have every intention of resuming work on Earthbound at the soonest possible moment. The good news is that Wesley in Space is almost over (only one episode to go!), which means we’ll actually have time to work on Ridgway Films-related projects again!
On the off-chance that you’ve been following Wesley in Space, here is the next (arguably better) batch of episodes since the last time I updated. A couple of them feature me in a Darth Vader costume! So um, there’s that.
In other news, Phil has just posted a new video of his! Entitled “Rock Island,” it’s a wacky video idea that we’ve had for a while – basically, it’s multiple versions of Phil singing the opening number from The Music Man (albeit the junior version). It was only an afternoon of work, but Phil and I both think it turned out great! Give it a watch:
Finally, we just want to thank everyone who’s watched/favorited/passed around Creepypasta, a short film we made last summer. Over the last several months, it’s gotten to be one of our most-viewed videos of all time (certainly our most-commented-on video of all time). In addition, if you type in “creepypasta” into the YouTube search box, our video is the first result that comes up, which is pretty cool! We’ve even made a bit of money off of it, since YouTube allowed us to monetize the video. Sure, it’s only a few dollars, and all this news probably sounds dumb to anyone who already has a superstar YouTube channel, but the fact that this video is doing so well is exciting for us.
Check back soon for another apology update, er, I mean, fun new stuff!!!