Hey guys! Elliott here. A lot of stuff has been going on for us, project-wise. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of everything.
EARTHBOUND (and where the heck is it)

The constant question seems to be “Why aren’t you guys still working on Earthbound?” The first half of Episode 6 was recently released, but since then we’ve fallen pretty silent on Earthbound news. Rest assured that while Earthbound is once again on hold, it has not been forgotten. The current plan is to resume work on the last half of Episode 6 this fall, and then release the complete Episode 6 in early 2015. Post-production on the final episode of Earthbound will afterwards be the main project focus in 2015.

We have been secretly hard at work on yet another feature film project with “the old gang” in Alva. The Midnight Con was supposed to be our big swan song, but we realized we have the time and energy to do one more. We’re still waiting for the best time to announce what it is that we’re working on, but I’m super excited to have the opportunity to finally do this project – this film is something that I’ve wanted to make for years and always told myself that it was impossible for us to pull off… and that’s no longer true. Principal photography will take place in July. Stay tuned for an announcement!

We’ve also decided to branch out into non-movie territory for the summer (as you’ve probably already noticed) with our adventure game-themed podcast: Threepcast. Currently we feel like we can keep this side project alive for at least the duration of the summer… once everyone returns to college and no longer has time to regularly play and review games is another matter. In the meantime though, please send us your game feedback so we can read it on the podcast!

As if we weren’t busy enough, Anton and I have been working on developing our very own adventure game! It’s been an on-and-off project for a few years now, but we’re finally putting more focused effort on actually completing it. The plan is to release it on PC and on every major mobile platform once it’s finished. We’ll be able to give it more attention after the summer film project is wrapped, so it’s possible this will be done by the end of the year? Stay tuned for more updates on that as well.
Phew… well, that’s it.