Believe it or not, in addition to a handful of movies, we're also
responsible for a couple of homemade computer games. When we're
not gallavanting
around as Ridgway Films, we sail under the banner of Demented
Games. We started making really amateurish, bad games in 2000
with the software known
as Klik 'n' Play, and over the years, our games have become slightly
better. So what are you waiting for? Browse our extensive game library below! Do it now!
You'll need 7-Zip to access the compressed format of the games. Download it here.
New Games

Full Moon
this point-n-click game, you play Andy Q. Nobody, a nerd living on an
island of undisclosed location, doing battle with government agencies,
ugly maids, slippery floors, numerous pratfalls, and insomnia, all on
his quest to stop a mad doctor planning to put the world to
sleep. Full Moon is one of our more recently completed games,
even though it's been in development off and on since 2004. But
it's finally been finished for your adventure gaming pleasure!
Click here to download Part 1 of the split 7-zip file (33.8 MB)
Click here to download Part 2 of the split 7-zip file (31.4 MB)
(Instructions: Use 7-zip to extract the contents of both 7-zip
files, select "Combine files" on Full Moon.7z.001, and select a
directory to combine it in. You should then have one 7-zip file that contains the game
files, which you can extract normally. If you're still having
trouble, shoot us an e-mail!)
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning
A meticulous recreation of the first book in Lemony Snicket's infamous
book series in point-n-click adventure game form. For the
uninitiated, the story is about the Baudeliare orphans - Violet, Klaus,
and Sunny - as they try to repeatedly escape
the murderous intentions of their new guardian, Count Olaf. It's also one of our most polished adventure games to date. Definitely worth a look!
Click here to download the 7-zip file (40.76 MB)
Commander Keen in: Keen Dreams 3D
The most recent Commander Keen game by us to date - a recreation of the lost Keen episode, Keen Dreams, in jaw-dropping, pants-exploding 3D!
Click here to download the 7-zip file (9.51 MB)
Commander Keen in: Holiday Hijinx!
is a Christmas episode of Commander Keen that I made for release in
Christmas 2004, though it wasn't released until early 2005.
Commander Keen must rescue Santa Claus and reclaim his stolen Christmas
presents. For some reason, everyone
hated this game when it came out. But don't let that deter you,
naive Internet person! Download with all speed!
Click here to download the 7-zip file (3.85 MB) |
Older Games

Sam & Max: Flintlocked! (R.I.P. 2004-2007)
A mere three days after LucasArts's much-bemoaned cancellation of Sam & Max Freelance Police in
2004, a team of angry but dedicated fans (including myself) began to
assemble themselves into a development team that envisioned a massive
fan-made sequel to
the original Sam & Max game. Unfortunately, the project, which ultimately became known as Sam & Max: Flintlocked!, came to more or less of a complete halt when Telltale Games announced production of their own Sam & Max Season One. While we initially saw no problem with two competing Sam & Max
games coming out, we began to lose heart when Telltale started
releasing their episodes. We noticed several major scenarios and
puzzles from our game that were incidentally also appearing in
Telltale's games (for instance, the climax of Part 1 in Flintlocked was
going to center around Sam & Max invading a TV studio and hijacking
a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" rip-off, and a large part of Part 3
was going to take place on the moon). Realizing no one was going
to believe us when we claimed we had the ideas first, the team members
more or less stopped checking the discussion boards, and the project
was more or less scrapped. This was probably a good thing in the
long run, however, as I feel that Telltale Games has succeeded with the
unique Sam & Max brand of humor far more than we ever could've hoped to.
So why bother putting this long history on this page if the project got
canned years ago? Well, take heart, simple adventure gamer - the
unfinished, six-room beta, as well as the original SLUDGE source code
and design documents - have been released for public viewing at
last. You'll need SLUDGE installed to mess with the files, but you don't need anything for playing the beta itself (except for a computer and mouse, obviously). Enjoy!
Click here to download the beta (12.9 MB)
Click here to download the source files (45.2 MB)

Goodbye Monkey Island (2004)
This is the epic semi-sequel to Day of the Alien: Tentacles Ate My Babysitter! The events take place shortly after the end of Day of the Alien,
but in this game, Keen finds himself transported to the Monkey Island
universe. Though I considered it cutting-edge back when I made
it, it's actually a little buggy and not terribly spectacular. If
you can deal with the bugs and haven't got anything better to do, I'd
recommend it.
Chapter One: The Secret Revealed or Your Money Back
Chapter Two: Enter the Football Helmet
Chapter Three: Looking for Loot
Chapter Four: LeChuck's Fortress DLX
Chapter Five: Me, Myself, and Guybrush
Chapter Six: Guybrush Kicks Robot
(generously hosted by

Day of the Alien: Tentacles Ate My Babysitter! (2002)
This is a pretty old game I made way back in 2002. It all started when I asked myself, "What if Commander Keen entered the universe of Day of the Tentacle?" The result speaks for itself.
Click here to download
(Generously hosted by

Maniac Mars (2002)
In the same way the original Maniac Mansion was bundled with Day of the Tentacle as an easter egg, I bundled this Commander Keen / Maniac Mansion crossover game with Day of the Alien. In this, Commander Keen must enter a foreboding mansion to find his missing ship part to escape Mars. I honestly don't remember much about this game, but try it out if you're really bored.
Click here to download
(Generously hosted by |
Hey you! How do I make games like these?
Glad you asked! Here are links to the software that we use to make these games.
Used to make: The Bad Beginning and Full Moon
Good for: 2D adventure games in the vein of LucasArts and Sierra. Also, scripting language
is very simple and easy to pick up.
Not good for: Lubricating various household objects.
3D Game Studio
Used to make: Keen Dreams 3D
Good for: 3D games of all kinds, predisposed for first-person shooters.
Not good for: Beginners, as some scripting is involved.
The Games Factory
Used to make: Holiday Hijinx & all our older games
Good for: Quick and easy 2D game design, especially platform games
Not good for: Impressing your forum peers, who are all using big-boy scripting languages
Other Free Games We Recommend Games (Designed by Mike and Matt Chapman with Jonathan Howe)
Awesome Flash-based games for free! You haven't lived until you've experienced Stinkoman,
Peasant's Quest, or Dangeresque Roomisode 1.
M:I-2, LeChuck's Revenge (Designed by Christopher Ushko)
A cheesy but brilliantly re-imagined version of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, filled with every
cliche pop culture joke imaginable.
Out of Order (Designed by Tim Furnish)
A polished, hilarious point-n-click adventure that takes place in a mysterious dimension.