Old News
October 18, 2010: Happy 2-Year Robert and Brenen-a-versary to All! Two years ago today, during the shoot for the Runaway Five dance sequence seen in Earthbound Episode 2, an improvised random video happened on the spot, involving Robert Thomas and Brenen Hankins attacking each other for unknown reasons. The footage was later edited haphazardly into the vague form of a trailer, and since then, this video has spawned three epic sequels and countless in-jokes in subsequent videos. Relive the classic short film today, on its two-year anniversary. September 11, 2010: Earthbound Episode 5 - Yes, We Are Still Working On It ![]() Though we have been silently working hard on getting Earthbound Episode 5 ready for all you guys, school has started back up again, which means, unfortunately, that progress has slowed painfully. But hey, look at this awesome 3D model from the episode! We're planning on releasing some more new Earthbound Episode 5 stuff in the near future (maybe even a trailer?), but for now, please be patient as maintaining grades temporarily takes precedence over Earthbound awesomeness. In the meantime, don't forget about UbseyMovies's excellent Earthbound Saga - they've been hard at work on their own fifth chapter, and they've been posting lots of really exciting screenshots and behind-the-scenes photos pretty frequently on their Facebook page. Go check it out! August 19, 2010: Yet Another New DVD! ![]() Out of seemingly nowhere, we've put out yet another DVD of our stuff! This DVD contains pretty much everything we made from 2009 (a more complete list is on the store page). If anyone was even slightly interested in owning high-quality versions of any of our recent, non-Earthbound videos, this is the DVD to check into! And it's only $5.99! What a steal! Oh yeah, this was actually a few days ago, but whatever - happy 2-year anniversary to Ubseybound! ![]() August 17, 2010: Are You Responsible for My Brother's Death?!? In honor of the greatest video ever made by UbseyMovies (nay, the greatest video of ALL TIME), we threw together a recreation of said greatest video ever in 20 minutes one weekend evening. Enjoy! August 15, 2010: A New Video Not Related to Earthbound Episode 5! ![]() The EPIC two-part sequel to Harry Potter and the Shopping List of Destiny has arrived at long last, because we know every last one of the 500 or so people who watched the first video have been on the edge of their seats for the last nine months, waiting sleeplessy for a sequel - and here it is! In this video, Harry Potter forgets to do an assignment over the summer, but his and Ron's attempts to fix this problem quickly get out of hand. PART ONE | PART TWO August 2, 2010: Shadow of the Pink Panther - DVDs Are Really Here! ![]() ![]() The Shadow of the Pink Panther DVDs just came in the mail today, and man do they look awesome! Remember that you can get your own copy of this two-disc special edition DVD for a donation of $10 to Ridgway Films. Also, sorry for the lack of updates on Earthbound Episode 5... we've been working on it! Believe it or not, we've also been making preliminary plans for Episode 6 so that we can keep working on the series continuously once school starts up again for everybody. Hopefully, we'll have something new, interesting, and Earthbound-y to report soon. July 20, 2010: Shadow of the Pink Panther - the DVD is Finally Here! ![]() It's the DVD we promised was "coming soon" ever since the website went up a year ago, but it's finally, finally ready! Our two-disc, special edition DVD for Shadow of the Pink Panther has the following wonderful features on it:
Unfortunately, for right now, this DVD is in pre-order status, as we only put in the request to the DVD factory last night. However, the DVDs should be arriving towards the end of the month. So go ahead and feel free to get donating! July 7, 2010: Episode 5 Production Diary Number Three ![]() It's our third ever Earthbound Episode 5 production diary! In this one, we endure the laughter of random strangers driving by our shoot, and also repeatedly fall down in a cave. Watch it all on YouTube! July 3, 2010: Oops!!! We totally didn't forget that yesterday was our website's 1-year webaversary! So uh, happy birthday to our webly site! ![]() We promise to do something more interesting soon! Honest injun! June 15, 2010: The Next Episode 5 Production Diary! ![]() Shooting has been moving along for Earthbound Episode 5. Check out production diary #2, chronicling the shooting over the past week, either on YouTube or the Facebook fan page! June 8, 2010: Episode 5 Underway Principal photography has finally gotten started on Earthbound Episode 5, after a few setbacks. The first photos from the shoot are available for viewing at the Ridgway Films Facebook page, and the first production diary is on both our YouTube page and on the Facebook page! Check it out! June 2, 2010: Store Update for the Summer! New Facebook Fan Page! Episode 5 On the Horizon! First things first - we've updated the store! For the summer, you'll be able to get the How About a Donut? T-shirts for $16.95, which is 15% off their regular price. Also, you can now order both of our DVDs - Day of the Tentacle and Earthbound Disc One - in another special 15% off deal that also is good for the rest of the summer. And while we're on the topic of merchandise - the mediums and XLs of the T-shirts are almost gone, as are our Day of the Tentacle DVDs, and it may be awhile before we restock any of this, so if you were planning on getting one of the above-mentioned things, there's no time like the present! In other news, we've set up a Facebook fan page! Show your love for Ridgway Films by becoming a fan and sharing it with your friends! The fan page will be home to special behind-the-scenes photos (and maybe videos) of upcoming projects, which may be of interest especially since shooting for Earthbound Episode 5 is on the horizon. That's all for now! ![]() May 20, 2010: The Colorado Mystery Tour Is Dying to Take You Away ![]() Recently, we took a vacation to Colorado and visited many historic landmarks, including the Royal Gorge, the Anasazi cliff dwellings, and the Garden of the Gods. In the interests of preserving our equally historic road trip, we faithfully recorded everything that really actually happened, so that future generations may also enjoy. Here are a couple of select clips: Phil's Historic Royal Gorge Jump Tram Ride Across the Royal Gorge Phil's Wild West Adventure "The Anasazi Skit" A Visit to the Garden of the Gods March 30, 2010: The Most Epic Final Chapter in the Robert and Brenen Saga ![]() Over spring break, we filmed Robert and Brenen 4: Final Kombat, the last chapter in the saga of pure epicness. Where we left off last time, Gagan and Andrew were going to make plans to get revenge on Robert and Brenen for all the swirly incidents they had endured. Could this be the end for our heroes? Watch and find out! Also over spring break, we went location scouting for Earthbound Episode 5, when this randomly happened: It may or may not be a reference to a video you may or may not have already seen. And don't forget we still have plenty of "How About a Donut?" T-shirts! Pick one up! February 28, 2010: Earthbound Episode 4 Has Hit the Streets! ![]() After close to seven months of work, the latest and greatest episode of Earthbound has been released. In this episode, Ness, Paula, and Jeff travel to the big city of Fourside, in search of that golden symbol of pure evil, the Mani-Mani statue. Along the way, they'll meet a variety of intriguing new people, wind up in places they probably would prefer not to, and have to face their most trying and terrifying challenges yet. So what are you waiting for anyway? Watch the first part of Episode 4 right here!
February 2, 2010: Happy Groundhog Day January 16, 2010: The Return of Phil Ovens ![]() No one knows how to survive in the unforgiving wild better than Phil Ovens! This video is not for the faint of heart, but if you insist on watching it... just hold on... and THINK OF ENGLAND! January 13, 2010: Earthbound Episode 4 Update Hey folks, just a quick update on Earthbound Episode 4's post production progress. We're almost done with all the special effects, and have begun to do dialog re-recording and foley recording, which are usually the last two things for us. However, we're all back to work with school / college now, which is gonna be a big encroachment on spare time, but we should still be able to get this thing out by February 28. Though I honestly wonder if anyone remembers / cares about the DVD for Shadow of the Pink Panther we mentioned that we were working on last fall, we've obviously had to put it on hold to spend our time finishing this episode of Earthbound. And if anyone does remember / care, we'll probably get it out sometime after Episode 4 is done. December 31, 2009: Happy Foo Year to All Suckas ![]() Christmas has come and gone, but it's New Year's Eve, which means it's the Twilight Zone marathon on the Sci-Fi channel (or "SyFy" as I'm told it's called in the hip circles), so we might as well go ahead and upload this semi-timely movie we shot earlier in the Christmas break - The Christmas That Came From Outer Space! Granted, it probably has more outer space than Christmas in it, but we filmed it in two hours with little to no planning, so don't get too worked up about it. Earthbound Episode 4 has been making leaps and bounds towards getting finished, thanks to all the free time we've had without school or college to worry about. Feast your eyes on this teaser image from another dimension: ![]() By the way, it's been a fun and unusually productive 2009 - let's take a quick look back at the movies that came out this year... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks to all our fans for the kind comments they've left over the course of the year and the support they've lent by buying our DVDs. See you guys in 2010! December 23, 2009: Christmas From Our Hearts to Yours ![]() We at RidgwayFilms.com would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas / any other holiday you might be celebrating. Please accept our Christmas gift to you - a brand-new trailer for Earthbound Episode 4: Dark Side of the Moon, as well as a definitive release date (well, as definitive as it gets with us) - February 28, 2010. Mark your calendars! December 19, 2009: Phil Vs. Wild Birthday Party Edition For the Holidays ![]() Survival expert Phil Ovens is back with a new video! Actually, this is a video from Phil's birthday party, which was "Man Vs. Wild"-themed this year. This video is chock full of vital vitamins and proteins, so be sure to enjoy it! November 25, 2009: Harry Potter Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving ![]() Remember when we said that there might be some "Halloween-themed videos coming your way in the near future"? Well, the near future is now, my friends, as we have finally finished our Halloween video, after many delays (just in time for Thanksgiving, mind you!). Harry Potter and the Shopping List of Destiny was improvised in the timespan of two hours on this year's Halloween, so don't expect the most finely crafted film of all time. However, we do hope you enjoy the ridiculous story and our store-getting-kicked-out-of antics! On a related note, for the handful of people it may interest, the special edition two-disc set for Shadow of the Pink Panther is nearing completion! We're pretty excited about it too - we'll give a complete rundown of what's on it once it's almost ready to ship. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving tomorrow! Come back soon for more high-heeled hilarity! November 1, 2009: UbseyMovies's EB Saga 5 Teaser UbseyMovies just released a teaser trailer for their upcoming fifth chapter of EB Saga. The trailer can best be described as unsettlingly creepy, completely awesome, and a sign of great things to come: Though we take pride in our Earthbound episodes, we at Ridgway Films need to constantly remind ourselves that UbseyMovies was doing Earthbound first, and they still know how to do it best. If you haven't already, help them to raise money for this upcoming film by buying the EB Saga Chapters 1-4 DVD. You won't regret it. Hope everyone had a great Halloween! We may have some Halloween-themed videos coming your way in the near future... stay tuned! October 11, 2009: A Generic Apology, an Upcoming DVD, and a Zombified Sam & Max Fangame - What More Could You Want? Hey everybody, sorry for the recent lack of updates - things have been really busy for all of us with school lately. But fortunately, the rest of this update is mostly good news. Rest assured that Earthbound Episode 4 is still making slow but sure progress. I'd like to be working on it more, but I just haven't had the time during the past few weeks. I'm still confident that it will be out sometime later this fall, but it may be closer to the end of the fall. It may even end up being a Christmas release date. We'll have to wait and see. In other news, we've recently begun development on a two-disc, special edition DVD for Shadow of the Pink Panther, our most recent feature film. The first disc will be a dual-layered whopper that has the whole, two-hour movie on it, complete with subtitles and audio commentary from the cast. The second disc will have all kinds of goodies, including the complete set of production diaries, the original blooper reel and teaser trailer, a ton of unused footage ranging from deleted scenes to alternate takes to rejected bloopers, as well as production photos from various shooting days and maybe even some other fun stuff. Like Earthbound Episode 4, progress on it has been going so slowly that a release date is uncertain at this point. But we'll keep you posted! But now to get to the real point of this update: recently, I was contacted by a member of a deceased Sam & Max fangame project that I worked on from 2004 to 2006-ish, asking me to upload the surviving files, since nobody's really doing anything with them. As a result, I added not only the work-in-progress, six-room SLUDGE beta to the games page, but also all the original files, if anyone's interested in looking through our grand plans for a massive fangame, laughing at my badly-structured code, or listening to some truly awesome original music that's probably never going to otherwise see the light of day. More details on the history of this cancelled project is on the games page. Credit for the work that went into the beta goes mostly to all the other team members - I was just the one who coded it together. September 30, 2009: And Earthbound Episode 3 Too! It's pretty awesome work. Check it out below: Earthbound Episode 3: Zoom Boing!!! (Spanish Subtitles) Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five September 25, 2009: Earthbound Episode 2 Also in Spanish!
Earthbound Episode 2: Blue-Blue (Spanish Subtitles) Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
September 16, 2009: Earthbound Episode 1 Now Subtitled in Spanish!
YouTuber donjuan1655 has done the awesome job of giving Earthbound Episode 1: Old Hamburger a complete set of Spanish subtitles! Having done English subtitles in the past, I can safely say that it's a huge task to apply subtitles to a movie, so his work is greatly appreciated! If this is something you've wanted, be sure to comment and let him know! Spanish translations for Episode 2: Blue-Blue and Episode 3: Zoom Boing!!! are on the way too. Earthbound Episode 1: Old Hamburger (Spanish Subtitles) Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
September 13, 2009: Earthbound Episode 4 Progress Update,
and a Six Shots Production Diary ![]() Despite the recent lack of news for Earthbound Episode 4: Dark Side of the Moon, we're still making progress on the post-production side of things, as evidenced by this screenshot from one of the scenes in the episode. We're still looking at a tentative release date of sometime this fall, although it may be toward the end of this fall depending on a lot of things (the biggest thing being spare time). In other news, it's time for the next Six Shots production diary, this one being from the second day of shooting, when tensions between director and actors were already starting to rise. Check it out here.
September 12, 2009: Anton's Earthbound Birthday Party Video
![]() If you haven't seen them, there are more of our mom's awesome birthday parties from over the years up on YouTube, with themes ranging from Double Dare and Mario to Homestar Runner, King Kong, and David Letterman. There are some other neat little videos in the wings that may potentially be coming soon. Stay tuned!
August 31, 2009: Happy Birthday, Anton!
(Plus some other news about movies and such) ![]() In other news, general production of things in general has generally slowed down a lot, mostly due to the fact that we're all back in school now. However, in an attempt to alleviate the boredom of returning to school, we've decided to go back through our mountain of footage from Six Shots (which is currently more or less halfway shot and edited) and release production diaries on what will hopefully be a periodic basis. This debut production diary consists of footage from the first day of shooting back in June - hopefully you'll find it interesting! (Also, Earthbound fans: don't panic. Episode 4 is still being worked on.)
August 18, 2009: The Earthbound DVDs Are Here!
We're really happy with the way these DVDs turned out looking. If you've already ordered one, you'll be receiving it shortly. And if you haven't, and you absolutely have to have one (or you can't stand not knowing what's printed on the back of the box), get one today! August 17, 2009: The Ubseybound One-Year Anniversary! ![]() One year ago today, we set out to shoot a silly short movie about Earthbound and UbseyMovies for last year's fan-art contest on Starmen.net. While we could actually avoid a cop-out by producing something of actual substance for this momentous occasion, we'll simply leave you to revel with this lovely MS Paint drawing and this hyperlink to relive the classic movie. August 14, 2009: It Is Here, And It Is Epic Old and busted: Earthbound Episode 4 New hotness: ![]() Click here to watch it The hotly-anticipated, epic third chapter in the saga of Robert and Brenen has been completed at last, and it will most likely go down in history as the most epic thing to happen, ever. The story picks up where things left off with Annie Jr. Backstage Silliness - Brenen Hankins, traditional swirly-giver around the theater building, is enraged that his job has been usurped by Robert Thomas. Armed with only a tomato, Brenen sets out to prove to Robert who swirly-time truly belongs to. Meanwhile, the enigmatic "Twilight" guy sets out to send his important message to the public. If you're feeling a bit lost in all this awesome sauce, you may want to brush up on both your Robert and Brenen video history... check out when Robert and Brenen fought in an alley and in a church, not to mention when they fought as zombies, or watch the previous swirly-time videos, the first, second, and third of which involve Gagan almost getting a swirly. August 4, 2009: Shocking News on Earthbound Episode 4 and the Upcoming DVD Hey everybody everybody, it's time for an update in the world of Earthbound! The first item of importance is the fact that principal photography for Earthbound Episode 4 officially wrapped a few days ago on July 31. It was blistering to have 13 tiresome shooting days in the span of two and a half weeks, but we got through it, we're really happy with the way the footage has turned out, and, if the editing step of the process goes well, this may be the most epic Earthbound episode ever - fingers crossed! The subtitle for this episode will be Dark Side of the Moon - a reference to the Pink Floyd song "Brain Damage" that loosely fits an event in the episode that most Earthbound fans will be able to figure out ahead of time. We're also going with the tentatively vague release date of "Fall 2009," which will most likely be fulfilled. Most important for your immediate satisfaction, however, we've released a teaser trailer for the upcoming episode. Secondly, the Earthbound DVD is almost ready to be sent off to the DVD factory and be processed for your viewing enjoyment. Feast your eyes on the cover (plus content details) below. ![]() This DVD will feature the following:
In the meantime, check out that teaser trailer if you haven't already! July 27, 2009: A Trilogy of Silliness We've got three silly short movies to put up on the site today! First off is FAIL! Volume 3, our third Fail video montage, this time with Elebits music (special thanks to FailBlog for the videos). Secondly, we have the artfully deep film Brenen Burns a Benjamin, in which Brenen Hankins attempts to deface money (without much success). Finally, we have Anton Wars: The Movie Trailer, a trailer we made for fun that, unfortunately, isn't going to make any sense to anyone who watches it, as Anton Wars is one of our older series of games that we haven't put on the website, and the trailer mostly consists of in-jokes linked to those games. But anyway, enjoy these mostly mindless diversions!
Also, it may interest you that we re-organized our Movies page. Feel free to say "w00t" and confuse the person next to you. July 24, 2009: Behind-the-Scenes Fun on Earthbound Episode 4
July 23, 2009: Tentacle DVDs Arrived Today, Episode 4 Shooting Continues We've got a couple of updates to dole out today. First off, the Day of the Tentacle DVDs arrived today, and man are they spiffy! ![]() ![]() The printing turned out slightly darker than expected, but they still look pretty good for a first run at this whole new-fangled DVD business. Now you can have your very own, like this guy here: ![]() You can order from the DVD section of the site for $5.99. Remember that no profit is being made through these DVDs - the price tag is attached to help recoup our losses from producing these, and any money made from these particular DVDs goes straight back into making more of these puppies. In related news, the DVD for our Earthbound series is still under production, but it's nearing completion. We'll have some details on it soon. And speaking of Earthbound, shooting for Episode 4 has been progressing swimmingly. Last week, we took a trip to the big city of Tulsa to get some big city scenes for this episode that probably takes place in a big city. ![]() ![]() In all likelihood, what with all the post-production work that's going to be involved with the Moonside scenes undisclosed scenes that require a lot of special effects work, the release date is more realistically going to be sometime in mid-fall, although we're definitely gonna try to get it done as soon as possible! July 15, 2009: Earthbound Episode 4 Underway Shooting for the fourth episode of our Earthbound series began today. ![]() ![]() It was a pretty successful first day, except for ending up with a broken tripod at the end of the day. We're not sure about a release date yet, but the blithely optimistic part of us would like to say it'll be out before the end of the summer. In related news, we're working on a DVD for the first three episodes of Earthbound. Stay tuned!
July 9, 2009: Day of the Tentacle DVDs On the Way
The DVD page is finally working! Now you can now claim your very own Day of the Tentacle DVD! The DVDs aren't expected to arrive here until the end of the month, but you can go ahead and pre-order now. Our next DVD project is probably either going to be a two-disc set for Shadow of the Pink Panther or a DVD for the first three Earthbound episodes. July 7, 2009: Hey, A New Game! Full Moon Is Out! Since the adventure gaming world really has no other important games that are coming out today, we thought today would be an opportune day to release a new game, the name of which is.... Full Moon! It's about a clueless nerd named Andy going on a seemingly crazy quest to find a mad doctor with a dangerous sleep-inducing device. We've been working on this game for a while, but now it's finally ready for the general game-playing public! And as an added bonus - what do you know? - the game called Full Moon was released on a full moon! July 6, 2009: Ridgway Films.com-Mercial Wows Random People To promote our totally cool new website-like creation, we've created a commercial to hawk the website and hypnotize people into spending all their waking hours mindlessly wandering these pages, erm, that is... it's a great commercial! Follow advertising guru Hatly Smith on a magical journey into the world of recycled footage and lame promotional platitudes. In unrelated news, Full Moon will be most likely coming out tomorrow.
July 2,
2009: Ridgwayfilms.com Launched - Mass Panic in the Streets
years of procrastination, we've finally got a real website for our
stuff up and running, and we're excited about it! If you just
stumbled in, here's what's going on: we're Ridgway Films, a small
group of friends who make movies for fun. Our credentials include
Day of the Tentacle,
a movie version of the LucasArts adventure game by the same name; Shadow of the Pink Panther, a
two-hour film that follows in the footsteps of Blake Edward's classic
Pink Panther films; and Earthbound,
episodic series based on both the Super NES game and UbseyMovies's
Earthbound Saga.
So yeah, take a look around! A lot of the site is still under
construction, but here are some things you might want
to check out while you're here...
*La la la la la, we still can't hear you!!! |