
Earthbound: Part One
It's 199X,
and the aliens are invading! Now you can bring all the fun of
Ness and his friends off of YouTube and into your DVD players! What began as an homage project to UbseyMovies's excellent Earthbound Saga (which, in turn, was an intentionally low-budget interpretation of the classic Super NES game Earthbound)
quickly got carried away to the resulting DVD that is only a couple of
clicks away from being nestled in with all your better movies.
What awaits you on this magical disc-like object? Well...
- The first three Earthbound episodes - Old Hamburger, Blue-Blue, and Zoom Boing!!! (with improved color correction where necessary - now you can actually see the Carpainter fight!)
- Audio commentary for all three episodes
from Elliott, Anton, Phil, and Alex Ridgway, joined by cool guys Robert
Thomas and Brenen Hankins
- PSI Documentary Alpha - the shocking (not) behind-the-scenes documentary detailing how and why we made these episodes
- Retro-style Earthbound menus, complete with a "Don't Care" button (just like in the game!)
- English subtitles, plus a bonus "status line" subtitle track for the obsessive Earthbound fan in all of us!

Day of the Tentacle
movie adaptation of the classic LucasArts adventure game is on a spiffy
new DVD at last, featuring the following loverly features:
- The updated 2007 cut of the film, introduced by a message from Tim Schafer, co-designer of the original game
- Newly-recorded audio commentary from the original cast
- The original blooper reel and teaser trailer
- Never-before-seen footage from the cutting room
floor, including cast interviews from 2005 and unusable footage,
alternate takes, and outtakes!
- Brand new retrospective interviews from 2009, four years after the original movie was shot!
- Hoagie Saves the Day, a short film from YouTube (not by us) based on Day of the Tentacle
- Professional-looking menus
- English subtitles
Remember, we are only charging money for this DVD to recoup the loss of producing it. There is a slight margin of profit involved, but any money we make from this goes right
back into making more Day of the Tentacle DVDs. Day of the Tentacle is property of
LucasArts, and we are not making a profit for ourselves through this.