About Us
General Info
Films is a small group of friends located in the smaller town of Alva,
Oklahoma. We started making movies when we were very
young (1999-ish), and have continued to do so to this day. Most of us have
no intention of pursuing careers in the film industry - we simply make
these movies for fun.
Elliott Ridgway
I'm 20 years old, and am currently majoring in computer science and minoring in film studies at the University of Tulsa. My
big spare time hobbies include making movies, cartooning, and
programming computer games. My first movies were made in the late
'90s - they mostly consisted of me and Anton running around our house
like crazy people, and are so inane
that if they ever see the light of day, it could spell the end of
civilization as we know it. My first serious movie project was Day of the Tentacle, but it only went downhill from there. No, I'm joking - everything after Day of the Tentacle has collectively pulled at least a hundred Oscars. At least! When I'm filming movies, my favorite film directors /
inspirations are Alfred Hitchcock, Robert
Rodriguez, Blake Edwards, and Peter Jackson. When I'm making games, my big inspirations for game
design are the makers of the classic LucasArts adventure games (most of
whom work for Telltale Games now), as well as Tom Hall and the World of Goo duo. As far as fanboyism goes, I also like Mega64, UbseyMovies, Life in a Game, and Homestarrunner.com.
Credits: Ness in Earthbound
Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus in Shadow of the Pink Panther
Uncle Vernon in Harry Potter and the Forgotten Assignment
Hoagie and Nurse Edna in Day of the Tentacle
Director of Day of the Tentacle, Case of the Snatched Cerebrum,
Shadow of the Pink Panther, and Earthbound
Anton Ridgway, Future President of the United States
I'm 18 years
old, and my hobbies include game development, Indian giving, VCR
repair, spitting on ants, and awesome being. My favorite games
are Mega Man, Zelda, World of Goo, Cave Story, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Pikmin, and last and least important, Earthbound. But Elmo's Number Adventure and Superman 64
rock. Naw, just kiddin'. I also like Homestar Runner.
I enjoy eating food. Mmm, steak. I consider myself a
pants-wearer, though most do not agree with my views. I am a
child prodigy that fell out of the sky, though I lost all my magic
powers in times of yore. I am an impresario tuba player. My
current hobby includes spouting out nonsense for profiles. By the
time you've read this profile, I'll have most likely taken over your
puny earth planet. Now scram, punks. That's all you need to
know, you nosy-noses.
Credits: Jeff Andonuts and Everdred in Earthbound
Himself and the Mad Scientist in Case of the Snatched Cerebrum
Benjamin Franklin in Day of the Tentacle
Director of Life Lessons and Solid Snake Attends a Birthday Party
(Co-directed Earthbound Episodes 2 and 3)
Phil Ridgway
I'm 16 years old, and an all-around cool guy. I enjoy playing many a game. My favorite games are RPGs, including Final Fantasy VI, Pokemon, and Chrono Trigger. I also play Nintendo games such as Mario, Zelda - the works. Oh yeah, and I play Monkey Island and all that. I also enjoy performing on the stage. My favorite plays are The Music Man, Annie, Guys and Dolls, and The Christmas Schooner. Sorry, all of that's a lie - Earthbound is my life. I have no real life outside of Earthbound. (slobber slobber drool drool) ridgwa filmzz r000llszzzzs!!!!11
Credits: Inspector Clouseau in Shadow of the Pink Panther
Paula, Pokey, Apple Kid, and Captain Strong in Earthbound Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Forgotten Assignment
Phil Ovens in Phil Vs. Wild
Laverne and George Washington in Day of the Tentacle
Agent Q in Case of the Snatched Cerebrum
Director of The Christmas Schooner Backstage Silliness and Ball Wars
(Co-directed Earthbound Episode 5)
Alex Ridgway
My name is Alex Ridgway and I am going to be Poo in Earthbound. My favorite games are Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, and many more! I hope that you'll watch some of our great movies / games, and look at more of our fabutastic website!
Credits: Poo, Picky, and Mondo Mole in Earthbound
Cato in Shadow of the Pink Panther
Himself in Case of the Snatched Cerebrum
Purple and Green Tentacle in Day of the Tentacle
Robert Thomas
is the son of Brian and Maureen Thomas and has two older brothers. He
has been in eight plays at the Alva Community Theater to date,
including Dear Edwina Jr., Guys and Dolls Jr., and The Christmas Schooner, (twice!), Aladdin Jr.
and more. Robert is the right-hand guy to all the directors at the
Alva Community Theater. He attends First Baptist Church and Velocity
Youth Group and plays in a hand bell choir. He is currently a junior
in high school.
Credits: Director of Six Shots
Himself in Robert and Brenen Mortal Kombat!!!, Robert and Brenen Immortal Kombat!!!, Robert and Brenen III:
Betrayal by Water, and Robert and Brenen 4: Final Kombat
Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Shopping List of Destiny and Harry Potter and the Forgotten Assignment
Lucky in Earthbound Episodes 2, 4, and 5; Random Zombie in Earthbound Episode 3
Also appearing in Honk! Jr. Backstage Silliness, Christmas Schooner Backstage Silliness, and Annie Jr. Backstage Silliness
Brenen Hankins
The name's Brenen. I'm 17 years old and a Junior at Alva Senior
High School. I am involved in pretty much everything at
school. I am a cheerleader, I am the Reporter of the F.L.C.C., I
am a member of Electric Gold and Show Choir(II veteran), member of the
Speech and Debate Dept., member of F.C.C.L.A., and English II student
teacher and aide.
In my
free time I enjoy acting and singing, mission work, playing soccer, and
just chillin with friends. I am a Christian and sing back up
vocals for my church's praise band "10th Street."
favorite book series are HARRY POTTER!, Pendragon, and the Circle
Trilogy by Ted Dekker. Outside of Ridgway Films I am the
co-C.E.O. of my own film productions team called FlyByNight.
Credits: Himself in Robert and Brenen Mortal Kombat!!!, Robert and Brenen Immortal Kombat!!!, Robert and Brenen III:
Betrayal by Water, and Robert and Brenen 4: Final Kombat Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Shopping List of Destiny and Harry Potter and the Forgotten Assignment
Gorgeous in Earthbound Episodes 2, 4, and 5; Random Zombie in Earthbound Episode 3
Also appearing in Honk! Jr. Backstage Silliness, Christmas Schooner Backstage Silliness, Annie Jr. Backstage
Silliness, and The Music Man Jr. Backstage Silliness

AndrewBlake Cullen
Hi! My name is Johnathan AndrewBlake Cullen “Twilight” “WonderBoy”
Madison! As you can see from just a small sample I am very easily excited and
can be slightly crazy!!!! ^_^ :P
My favorite shows are Spongebob, Invader Zim, and a whole
bunch of Anime. My favorite colors are PURPLE and GREEN and My
Bloodtype is O-.
I enjoy giving random information about myself and find it quite
relaxing. In
my free time I help the Ridgways out with their movies by being
And Yes my Hair is Red and Blue Because they make PURPLE!!!!!!! I Enjoy
activities as well such as: Drawing without looking at the paper, (It
makes me
look like I m looking into the future^_^) Acting, Writing music and
to the 3 best bands there are in my opinion “Green Day”, “Relient K”,
and “Plain
White Ts”. I am also a Christian and love my God more than I love
Invader Zim and thats saying something ^_^ I am also tri lingual and a
half. I speak Japanese, Spanish Gaelic
and some English. Lol jk. Well have fun on the site
Twilight Moon Bat!!!!!
Credits: Shroom!!! in Earthbound Episode 5; Random Zombie in Earthbound Episode 3
The Twilight Guy in Robert and Brenen Immortal Kombat!!!, Robert and Brenen III:
Betrayal by Water, and Robert and Brenen 4: Final Kombat
Also appearing in Christmas Schooner Backstage Silliness and
Annie Jr. Backstage Silliness