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May 6, 2011:  It's On the Way!
Earthbound Episode 5:  Cake has been given the release date of May 25th, 2011.  We will do our best to
keep to that promise!  Click the image below to watch the hot new trailer!

Stay tuned!

(In other news, we un-hid the Indiana Jones and the Tablet of Unspeakable Power video... so yeah.
Now the whole world may enjoy our fine, completely comprehensible Christmas film.)

May 2, 2011:  Apologies All Around
Me want heap Earthbound
Man, it's been a while since we've updated you guys on how things are going.  The truth of the matter is we've
been extremely busy lately with non-Earthbound projects.  But things have been clearing up.  A few weeks ago, we put
  the finishing touches on the final episode of The Adventures of Inspector Wesley, which was a mammoth, insanely-complicated
project in and of itself.  In addition, our college classes have slowly but surely been dropping off our radar screens.
This can only mean one thing - Earthbound Episode 5 will once again be our top priority, and it's seriously so close to
being finished that it won't be long 'til you guys will be contentedly watching the latest entry in the series, if you can forgive
us for the slew of missed release dates.

We've also got some other pseudo-exciting content coming down the pipeline.  Summer's almost here, and we'll be shooting some
wacky new stuff in the coming months.  There will also probably be a new game uploaded to the Games page soon - you probably totally
forgot that there was such a thing!

February 27, 2011:  No, We're Not Dead
Where is this???
I'm really sorry for the lack of news lately, but Episode 5 is still coming - there just hasn't been much noteworthy to report.
However, the episode is so close to being finished that I can probably venture a guess and say that Earthbound Episode 5
is either going to come out at the end of March or the beginning of April.
  Mark that general area on your calendars!
Hopefully we can pin down a specific date when that time gets closer.

January 25, 2011:  Earthbound Episode 5 Progress Update!

It feels like it's been a while since an Earthbound Episode 5 update, so here goes:  work has resumed on post-production, but once again,
college is proving to take up a lot of time.  Luckily, in terms of the whole episode, not much remains as far as visual effects go, and we're getting
relatively close to the end.  Right now, we're hoping to get this thing done something in mid-spring, although that could still change.  Stay tuned!

While you wait for Earthbound, check out another series we're involved in with other students at the University of Tulsa.
The Adventures of Inspector Wesley is a film noir parody series being made for the on-campus Wesley Foundation, in order to promote
events and student-led groups by embedding commercials into the story.  You can watch Episode 1 here, but keep an eye on
the TU Wesley Foundation's main YouTube page for a new episode every Friday through the rest of the spring semester!

This may also amuse you.

That's all for now!

December 31, 2010:  Earthbound Episode 5 Delayed

While "January 11, 2011" seemed like a reasonable enough goal to shoot for back when we put the trailer up in November, alas, Episode 5 has fallen to the
same fate as the last two episodes - we simply need more time to finish up post-production work, and, as a result, the release date's going to have to be pushed back to sometime later in 2011.  Rest assured, however, that we're doing our best to make this episode the most spectacular and slick Earthbound episode yet.  I'd like to give you all a more specific time frame in which to expect the episode, but it seems like I end up having to eat most of my release date estimates, so instead, I'll just try to keep everyone updated with regular progress reports as the episode nears completion.  As a consolation prize, please enjoy the new screenshot from Episode 5 pictured above.

We at Ridgway Films would like to wish everyone both a happy new year and a happy Twilight Zone marathon on that one channel with the weird name!

December 26, 2010:  Check Out All Our Website-Exclusive Videos!

  We've recently added a bunch of new videos to the Movies page that are essentially exclusives for the fans who actually still visit this website.  These videos are either unlisted on our main YouTube page or are otherwise difficult to locate, but at any rate, you can now enjoy them!  The most notable of these is
Indiana Jones and the Tablet of Unspeakable Power, which was this year's Christmas vacation project, although the Christmas theme is a little bit more hidden than you'd think.  There are also some other projects from 2010 that we previously hadn't listed on the website.  Check it all out on the Movies page!

In other news, we did some general housekeeping to the website.  The "About Us" page was in dire need of an update (particularly everyone's ages) and you'll notice that the Forums button is now gone from the sidebar because, well, frankly, nobody really used the forums.  But hey - in case you didn't know, we're on Twitter now!  Be sure to follow us there and on Facebook to be the first to get new updates!

One last thing - it's been a while since an Earthbound Episode 5 update, so I'm going to let everyone know now it probably isn't going to be finished
by January 11th.  In the great tradition of Ridgway Films' Earthbound episodes, we're probably going to have to make a correction to the release date and move it back a little later.  So yeah, sorry about that, but it just isn't ready yet.  It is closer to being done than you might think though.  We'll try to make a more substantial update about that once we get into the new year.

December 26, 2010:  Nobody Survives Christmas Better than Phil Ovens

In an ironically fitting way, we end the year (sort of) with the way we started - a Man Vs. Wild parody, starring our own Phil Ovens as he takes
on his most challenging challenge yet - Christmas shopping!  Because YouTube's video embedder currently seems to be broken,
click here to enjoy the new video.

December 23, 2010:  A Merry Christmas to All

Enjoy the holiday season!  And stay tuned - some new videos are in the pipeline!

November 6, 2010:  The Earthbound Episode 5 Trailer - At Last!
Yeah, I know it's been a while since a proper update, so hopefully this will make up for it - the long-awaited trailer for Earthbound Episode 5:  Cake!

We're aiming (keyword: aiming) for a release date of January 11, 2011, so as to synchronize the release of our fifth episode with the long-awaited
EB Saga Chapter 5, so you'll get a double dose of cinematic Earthboundy goodness all on the same day!  Stay tuned for any release date changes
though... because, you know, we're not very good about meeting deadlines and all that.

Oh yeah, and you should watch this video while you're watching awesoooooome stuff.

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